Oct 142015
Today, 14 October 2015, World Standards Day is celebrated; IEC, ISO and ITU this year have chosen the motto “standards: the world’s common language” and the essential role that standards play in transactions, providing a common language through the world.
From AFTA we want to support this kind of initiatives, which represent the consensus view of the world’s leading experts in industry sectors, who puts their knowledge voluntarily on the public interest.
Oct 142013

The World Standards Day takes place every 14th October. The date was selected because on 14th October 1946 took place a meeting in London where delegates from 25 States decided to create an international organization focused on facilitating standardization.

Frederica Scott Vollrath won the poster competition for this year

Although International Standardization Organization, ISO, was founded on 1947 the first World Standards Day was held in 1970. Therefore, this year the 43rd edition is celebrated.

 El mensaje lanzado este año se centra en potenciar las normas como una potente herramienta para liderar cambios positivos detallando especificaciones que consigan abrir mercados globales, permitiendo ambientes aptos para los negocios, estimulando el crecimiento económico y ayudando a mitigar el cambio climático.

Desde AFTA queremos apoyar este tipo de iniciativas, que representan el punto de vista consensuado de los expertos mundiales en los diferentes sectores industriales, que ponen su conocimiento de un modo voluntario al interés público.

We would like to leave a link to the reviews that have been published by other organizations, like ISO or AENOR, as well as to the twitter hashtag #worldstandardsday.

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